Disputa entre TV Globo e Bibi Perigosa pode impedir que ‘A Força do Querer’ seja reprisada


Rocinha resident and actress Fabiana Escobar, whose biography inspired the main plot of the soap opera “A Força do Querer”, aired by Globo in 2017, sued the Rio Court of Justice to suspend the rerun of the 9 pm soap opera. Bibi Perigosa , as it is known, claims moral damages for not having received the money for the sale of the telenovela to other countries, as provided for in the contract with Globo.

In the new request to the 43rd Civil Court of Rio de Janeiro, Fabiana Escobar’s lawyers claim “contractual breach denounced in the records of this process, as well as understanding that its effective rerun significantly affects the commercial and copyright interests already vilified by the defendant broadcaster in relation to the plaintiff”. Lawyers want the broadcaster to present a proposal to put an end to the legal fight. 

“A Força do Quer” broke several records since the success of “Avenida Brasil”. Photo: Mauricio Fidalgo

The rerun of the soap opera was confirmed on Friday (17) by the broadcaster. The plot discusses gender identity, drug trafficking, gambling addiction and the ethical and moral limits that permeate choices. The protagonists of the telenovela are actors Rodrigo Lombardi (Caio) and Juliana Paes (Bibi).

In 2018, Fabiana Escobar filed a lawsuit against TV Globo, asking for BRL 500,000 and until today they have not reached an agreement. If she received that year, the amount would be adjusted because of property damage, lost profits, contractual termination and copyright compensation.

“I spent 2017 starving, when I should have been well supported. I want every coin, every penny that is my right. It’s no use giving me part, giving a little piece, paying little by little. I want everything that is my right”, vents Bibi Perigosa.

Audience success, the choice of “A Força do Quer” to occupy the nine o’clock slot is not only due to what Gloria Perez’s soap opera did among the public and the critics. According to journalist Carla Bittencourt, from the newspaper Extra , one of the most important reasons in the selection criteria is that the author and the main actors are still hired by the broadcaster, which facilitates the work of the commercial and merchandising area of ??dramaturgy with advertisers. 

Currently, Fabiana Escobar works with film production at the Rocywood agency. She is working on directing a horror movie called “Valley of the Spirits”. She revealed that she is gradually writing the book “Perigosa 2”, where she gathers reports of life after the soap opera was shown on TV Globo.

“I don’t think I’ll publish it, I’ll put it on the blog. At most an e-book. I don’t even want to sell it, I’ll leave it open. “, concludes Bibi Perigosa.

Contacted, TV Globo’s advisory did not respond until the report was published. The space remains open for updates.

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